Calculate Aspect Ratio

16:9 Ratio Calculator

Enter here your desired width for the image or video to get the actual height needed to maintain the HD 16:9 aspect ratio when resizing it.

The result will show as you type.

The 16:9 aspect ratio is commonly known as the widescreen aspect ratio for most televisions and computer screens.

Since 2009, the 16:9 format has been an international standard format for HDTV, widescreen TVs, movies, and smartphones.

Today, most of our phones and cameras can record videos in 16:9 HD format. The 16:9 aspect ratio gives us the ability to make beautiful videos that are perfectly fitting for any widescreen display and social media platform.

Please find below a list of the most commonly used 16:9 resolutions.

Common 16:9 resolutions

16:9 Aspect Ratio

Based on desktop screen resolution statistics from January 2023, Full HD (1920x1080) is the most popular 16:9 aspect ratio resolution, followed by the Wide XGA (1366x768), which used to be the most popular resolution.

The WXGA format is commonly found on inexpensive LCD computer screens and low-end LCD flat screens.